Leonor González Mina, the Big Black Woman of Colombia

Leonor González Mina is one of the leading exponents of traditional music in our country.  Born in the town of Jamundí, Valle del Cauca, she has also developed a significant career as an actress and dancer.

As a singer, she trained at the Cali Conservatory and has collaborated with major composers such as Esteban Cabezas, who was her husband, Mario Gareña, Antero Agualimpia Mosquera, Leon Cardona, Oscar Hernández, Eduardo Cabas de la Espriella, Arnulfo Briceño, and Andrés Eloy Blanco, among others.

Most of her performances belong to the Pacific Coast folklore and she is recognized as one of the most significant representatives of African culture in the country.  Among her repertoire, songs from the Pacific stand out, such as Campesino de ciudad (City Farmer), Raíces (Cultural Roots), Que me Llamen por mi nombre (Call me by my name), El Tío Guapechito (Uncle Guapachecito), No Abandones tu tierra (Do not give up your land), El Premio (The Prize),  Angelitos Negros (Small Black Angels), El Abosao (The Abosao) and La Mina (The Mine).

Responsible: Alianza Fideicomisos
: 830.053.812-2
Address: Calle 170 No. 67-51 - San José de Bavaria

Age: 7 
